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Apple Inc has filed two patent applications in China, in a move to prepare for new smartphone features that can resonate with local consumers.苹果公司已在中国递交了两项专利申请,为发售中国消费者尤其关心的智能手机新功能做到打算。The California-headquartered firm filed two applications to patent its dual-SIM card technologies in China, which enable one phone to support two carriers at the same time, according to the official website of Chinas State Intellectual Property Office.中国国家知识产权局官网表明,总部坐落于加利福尼亚州的苹果公司递交了两项申请人,在中国为其双SIM卡技术申请专利,该技术需要让一部手机同时反对两个运营商。The two applications, filed in February and March respectively, are still awaiting approval, and they are Apples latest efforts to lure consumers away from competitors such as Samsung and Huawei which have already unveiled similar features on their top-end devices.两项申请人的递交时间分别为今年2月、3月,目前仍在等候审核。这是苹果公司企图从三星和华为等已在其高端设备上发售类似于功能的竞争者手中更有回头消费者的近期希望Nicole Peng, research director at Shanghai-based consultancy Canalys, said the dual-SIM card features are popular among businessmen in China and other Southeastern Asian countries.总部坐落于上海的咨询公司Canalys的研究主管妮科尔·彭回应,双SIM卡功能在中国和其他东南亚国家的商人之间十分风行。
The move can help Apple battle mounting competition, though it will take time to apply the new functions to smartphones, Peng said.妮科尔·彭说道:“虽然还必须时间将新功能应用于到智能手机上,不过该措施可以协助苹果公司在日益白热化的竞争中维持竞争力。”The news came shortly after Apple set up its first China research and development center in Beijing, with registered capital of 100 million yuan ($14.99 million).这一消息是在苹果于北京成立了第一个中国研发中心后旋即爆出的,该研发中心的注册资本为1亿元人民币(折算1499万美元)。The center will have roughly 500 employees and the total investment will be up to 300 million yuan, the local government said.据当地政府回应,该中心将不会有约500名员工,总投资将低约3亿元。
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